HealthcareHorizonsOver the last several years, many healthcare providers have struggled financially due to decreased reimbursements and changing payment models. Hardest hit are providers in small towns that do not benefit from being part of larger healthcare systems. Seeking relief, they may initiate Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings and sell assets to third parties to relinquish liabilities.

Buying distressed assets can be an opportunity to acquire valuable facilities and equipment at substantial savings. However, before purchasing, a buyer needs to know how to navigate this complex process.

Healthcare industry leaders, including C-level executives, controllers, risk managers, in-house counsel and lenders, should join us for our webinar addressing the following topics:

  • Nonprofit versus for-profit bankruptcy
  • Successor liability
  • Reimbursement and the role of jurisdiction
  • State compliance issues
  • Medicare/Medicaid changes of ownership rules versus federal bankruptcy court

Date and Time
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Noon – 1 p.m. CDT

Lynn Butler, Partner
Joe Geraci, Partner

Continuing Education Credits
This webinar is pending approval for Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Tennessee and Texas continuing legal education credit.